Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

We are alive!!!!

Look Ma! No help anymore....
Catching major air

I can do it too!

No excuses, so I am not even going to apologize! I have been a busy girl! Lots of summertime activities have started. We completed our first season of t ball. Loads of fun. I was the team Mom for the first time and thought the experience to be, well, fun. I won't be team Mom next season, I want to sit in the stands and enjoy games. Walker is excelling in athletics, imagine that. He would hit the daylights out of the ball, and when he was in the field he would shout, "HIT IT TO ME!!!". So stinking cute. He is taking an advanced gym class at the Little Gym, with just two other kids. The teacher asked us if he could join them and they are really learning some cool stuff. Walker left the class sweaty. They were doing plank push ups. No joke.

Amelia is just in a word.....delicious. Oh, she is so smart and loves to talk. She tells us "stories"
about a princess and a dragon biting her hiney. Whatever. She makes us laugh and is for the most part an agreeable child. Some days, not so much but who isn't? She is going to do swim lessons for the first time this summer and will start ballet in the fall. Oh how fun!

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