Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Trucking right along.....

Sitting up all by myself!!! I am so proud!

Just like Mommy

Storytime before Nite Nite

We are just truckin right along these dog days of summer. Amelia is fantastic. Rolling over from back to tummy, sitting up for around 15 minutes all by herself. Good girl! She also has two teeth, her bottom center. She is starting solid foods and I am hoping to wean her to formula next week. I am tired of being a cow.
Walker is potty trained!!!! He hasn't worn a diaper in almost two weeks, but he wears a pull up at night. He is AWESOME about peeing...not so much with the pooping but it will come with time. I am trying to be patient but it is time consuming and a little frustrating on both our parts. He started school on Tuesday and stayed dry the whole day and loved getting to play with all of his friends. I am hoping for a fun filled school year!
Jonathan and I are sneeking away for a romantical weekend in a few days....We haven't left Amelia overnight yet, so I am hoping to be alright leaving her. I realize I need to, for both of us.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Six month tradition

When Walker saw this he said..."Ahhh, Sister Amelia is cute..."
Six month outfit for all the Glasscox children

My pretty little lady

Too sweet, too cute

So Walker had his picture taken in the little yellow outfit at six months, so we had little Amelia's taken this past weekend. My how the time flies. I cannot believe she is already 6 months!! Big girl!