Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, December 28, 2009

More candids!

Love the pigtails

Learning to give kisses....BIG kisses!

Best smile ever!

Family fun!!!

Houndstooth Hat...AKA the Bear

Taking some steps

Come to Mommy!

Sweet baby girl....

Pictures from Christmas time....more to post once I upload them. Walker and Amelia did very fine for themselves this year in the presents category. Everyone was extremely generous to our two wonderful children. So far, Walker is wearing out his memory game. He is AWESOME!!! The kid remembers almost every time. No help from Mommy needed! Amelia is growing at an astounding rate, walking a few steps then falling back down. She is sooo funny! She definitely will be our little comedian. She cracks us all up with her little fake laugh she has developed. Walker continues to talk more and more and I am gaining so much more into what his little mind is thinking about. He and I went on a date together to the Children's Museum. I will have to post pics once I charge my camera. Hope everyone has had a fabulous Christmas time!! The best time of the year!

Friday, December 4, 2009

What up Santa???

Looking cute...
See Santa in the back??? We did get closer..

Sweet Baby Girl...
We went to see Santa a while back and didn't have much luck getting an in action picture. Amelia busted in to major tears when I sat her on Santa's lap. NO THANK YOU! She did not want anything to do with him. I can't blame her. Walker did much better by talking to Santa from a safe distance next to Daddy. He told Santa he wanted a crane and a firetruck, which is a wonderful thing because that is what he is getting.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Feedin' the goats

Walker's favorite "sister Amelia goat"

At the end of my parents' street are a ton of goats....billy goats, Mommy goats, baby goats (Walker calls them Sister Amelia goats). And, they are happy to be fed by anyone who drives by. They are definately the best fed goats in Georgia. Hal, the owner, gave us some sweet feed to give to them and they loved it!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Just the girl.........

I am #1!!!!!!!!

Patty cake, patty cake

Just a whole bunch of the girl child. She is just growing and growing so I feel like I need to add more pics. My girl loves to eat and there is a picture of Walker in this chair making a very similar face as Amelia when she is looking at me and smiling. It would be under the 2007 tab. So funny that they are alike yet soooo different!

Happy Rain-o-ween!!!!

My two little trick-or-treaters...

Let's get it started!

Flying from house to house!

I am not scared of the monster pumpkin....

We had a totally fun night despite the dampening rain. Walker dug Halloween. After he said "trick or treat", he said..."THANK YOU!!!!" and then said, Okay Mommy, another house, more candy....So quickly he caught on. Amelia really was cute, hanging tight with Daddy under the umbrella. She looked on as big brother scored the candy. She'll be tagging along soon enough.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fun and new hair do's

Sorry for the long delay in posting. It is a busy time of year(when isn't it?) and we have been really cruising right along. Walker and Amelia are just simply adorable. Walker is completely potty trained, although he does occasionally have an accident. He is talking in complete sentences, and while I was watching Oprah in his playroom, he wanted to watch George so he told me..."Mommy, go somewhere else and watch Ree-Bee(tv)." Okay.
Amelia says Da-Da and Dadddeee. Really cute. She is totally crawling, not too fast, but can cross the room in no time. She will also pull up on anything that stands still, and lets go once she is standing. I tell you, she will be walking in no time. She is such a littl girl, cries when you hurt her feelings, which Walker just stares at her like "what did I do?".
Both of the kids (Walker and Jonathan ;) ) are excited about Halloween. Walker will be a dragon and Amelia will be a princess that he protects. Walker pushed for Caillou, but I just couldn't do it. So, I told him to be a Caillou Dragon and he said okay.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Peakin over the rail!

More pictures of the kidz. Walker was around Amelia's age, so I thought I should get a pic of Amelia doing the same. How girlie is she??? Who would have thought!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pigtails and Crewcuts

I get my own reward...
Sitting in a cool Firetruck!!!

Gettin my hair did

End result!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Long time no post..

This is right where I got my flu shot
This is my reward for NOT PITCHING A FIT...

I mean, how could I when I am this stinking sweet??

My favorite activity.........eating.

A close second.....playtime

Down, down, down the hill.......

Oh, this is so much fun!

How fun is my Daddy?

Sorry for the long delay in posting. We are all doing great. Walker has fully bloomed into the outgoing child that we all knew he would be. He is talking sooo much I can finally carry on a somewhat conversation, which is so fun. He is singing songs and does the teapot dance. He is loving school and misses his friends when he is not there. He just went to Alabama to visit his grandparents and cannot stop talking about how much fun he had. He needs to go and visit more often. Amelia is really growing as well. She tried peas today and loved them....naturally.
She has been coughing a lot but hopefully we are on the mend. Today she didn't cough as much as she has been and she even got checked out by the doctor who said it was a cold. No fever thank goodness. Walker got his flu shot and I was TERRIFIED about it! But he was amazing...just a mild protest and then...get this....NO TEARS. Just got his band-aid and went on his way. Awesome. I gave him an Elmo cupcake as a reward. Yummy!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Trucking right along.....

Sitting up all by myself!!! I am so proud!

Just like Mommy

Storytime before Nite Nite

We are just truckin right along these dog days of summer. Amelia is fantastic. Rolling over from back to tummy, sitting up for around 15 minutes all by herself. Good girl! She also has two teeth, her bottom center. She is starting solid foods and I am hoping to wean her to formula next week. I am tired of being a cow.
Walker is potty trained!!!! He hasn't worn a diaper in almost two weeks, but he wears a pull up at night. He is AWESOME about peeing...not so much with the pooping but it will come with time. I am trying to be patient but it is time consuming and a little frustrating on both our parts. He started school on Tuesday and stayed dry the whole day and loved getting to play with all of his friends. I am hoping for a fun filled school year!
Jonathan and I are sneeking away for a romantical weekend in a few days....We haven't left Amelia overnight yet, so I am hoping to be alright leaving her. I realize I need to, for both of us.