Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!

We love is the most fun holiday. When else do you dress up in some fun costume and get free candy. Walker really enjoyed tonight, he was quite the lil lion. He says trick or treat or something kind of like it, and he said thank you to everyone who gave him something. He realized after the second or third house what the concept was, and he threw his hands over his head and screamed! He was super excited...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

ROOOOOAARRRR!!! A sneak peak!

BOO! Here I am in my lion costume! I am still not too sure about the hat or the shoes, but Mommy thinks once I get the treats, I 'll forget about it all together. Mommy has to get me some pants to go underneath. Happy Halloween!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A day at the park

Three generations of family, all in one place....the park! Walker hung out with GiGi Pa and Papa today while Mommy and Daddy worked. Apparently he had a blast running around and swinging in the big boy swing. Walker is so blessed!

Monday, October 13, 2008


Do you think Walker has spent too much time in the bathroom with me??? We got him a potty today, and already it is a big hit. I put him on it about 3 times within 15 mintues of setting it up. He said..."Potty, book please." Give me a break.........

Beach family photo

On the dock of our family friend Nancy Lee, the most beautiful place to watch a sunset. More pics to come!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

We were away....

Sorry for the delay in posting...we just spent some much needed days away at Tybee....The weather was so so but the company was fantastic. I haven't laughed that much in years......I laughed so hard I cried on several occasions. Walker was a SUPER baby. He was so patient with all of us disrupting his schedule. He was a true trooper. Papa took over a thousand pictures, yes, as thousand. Walker fed seagulls and ran down the beach and played in the surf. The first words out of his mouth each morning were "beach...Papa...caw-caw" . He wanted his beach, his Papa and all of the birds. Walker's hair is crazy as ever, I am trying to find a haircut that works for him and keeps everyone who wants the curls to stay happy. I brushed it and got this look. Walker laughed and laughed at himself in the mirror and said..."Mommmmmy" Like, come on.